Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chest reduction: Males need it too

Who says chest reduction is for women only? While this procedure is sought by and done primarily for women, there is a growing number of men who need it, too.

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Forty to 60 percent of men are affected by gynecomastia, says The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Gynecomastia came from the Greek words “woman-like breasts.” Big male breasts are caused by certain medical conditions such as cancer and liver impairment. It is also caused by certain drugs, such as anabolic steroids, and medications containing estrogen.

Chest reduction is commonly performed through surgery or in combination with lipoplasty where a suction device passes through existing incisions to remove excess fats. Results are permanent; only obesity can induce gynecomastia-like effects in the future.

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Because machismo is a highly priced character in men, chest reduction is a life-saver for those who have enlarged breasts. It improves the appearance of the chest by making it flatter, firmer, and better contoured. It also increases self-confidence, and lessens anxiety.

It is still best recommended for men suffering from gynecomastia who are healthy and emotionally stable, and for those who have firm and elastic skin that can easily follow the new contour of their body. Obese and overweight men who have not tried dieting and weight loss are discouraged to undergo chest reduction.

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Dr. Loren Borud is head of Borud Consulting, a consulting firm that specializes on plastic surgery. Gynecomastia is among the specialties worked on by Dr. Borud from his study and stint Assistant Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School. More information on cosmetic surgery can be found at this page.