Wednesday, October 26, 2011

For Dr. Loren Borud, taking some time off means continuing education

From Loren Borud

Although currently taking time off from the field, renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Loren Borud has treated it as anything but a mere break. In his downtime, he has worked as a speaker in plastic surgery forums across the world and has focused on his own business as well as continuing education at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management in Evanston, Illinois.

His expertise in the field isn’t restricted to the many audiences he has had in past lectures in both classrooms and plastics surgery societies the world over. In his break from practicing plastic surgery, he has started a venture offering services to businesses in the healthcare field.

From Dr. Loren Borud

As much time as he has taken to educating others, Dr. Loren Borud has also taken some time to continue learning. He is currently taking up an Executive MBA program at Kellogg School of Management. The academe’s program is designed to be flexible, ideal for mid-career executives like Dr. Borud.

From Dr. Loren Borud

In addition, he has also taken the time to write. A proficient medical author, he has written 30 published scientific journals and eight book chapters. He has also been the editor-in-chief of the CinĂ©Med’s critically acclaimed Atlas of Body Contouring after Massive Weight Lossin 2009 and has written his own book, Plastikonomics: What I learned as a Harvard Plastic Surgeon, a candid take on his experience in the industry.

Details of Dr. Borud’s endeavors are available at

Monday, September 19, 2011

Why Dr. Loren Borud travels

Dr. Loren Borud is well-known for his intensive experience in the field of plastic surgery. With 20 years of experience at his disposal, Dr. Borud is a person who truly knows the ins and outs of the industry, not just by being a surgeon, but also by being an educator.

Throughout the years, Dr. Borud has exerted remarkable efforts in researching and developing new ways for the progress of plastic surgery. In fact, he has built a company, Borud Consulting and the Plastic Surgery Network, Inc., to help companies and surgical products manufacturers come up with efficient methods on production and marketing.

From Loren Borud

From Loren Borud

Aside from Dr. Loren Borud’s passion in plastic surgery, traveling is also among his favorite to-do’s. He frequently travels to Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and India. For Dr. Borud, traveling gives him two opposing opportunities – to escape from the busy work-life and to continue propagating plastic surgery. Due to his myriad of trips to Middle East and Asia, Dr. Borud considers these continents as his second and third home.

Moreover, when bitten by the travel bug, Dr. Borud does not only think of his getaways as chances for rest and relaxation, but also sees them as opportunities to continue widening his networks for plastic surgery’s advancement.

From Dr. Loren Borud Photo Credit:

Through his trips in various countries, Dr. Borud has already developed contacts of prospective investors and businessmen, who are interested in the healthcare industry. As an advocate of the field, Dr. Borud promotes plastic surgery’s benefits to people and how it makes for a good business investment.

More information on Dr. Loren Borud can be accessed at

Friday, August 26, 2011

Building bridges: Recalling Dr. Loren Borud’s academic contributions to Harvard Medical School

Dr. Loren Borud’s contributions in the field of medicine and education are well-documented. Having 20 years of experience in the industry, he uses the knowledge he gained to assist companies involved in biotechnology, and medical and surgical devices with their product development, innovation, marketing, and even Web design. Prior to founding Borud Consulting where he is currently the President, he worked as an Attending Plastic Surgeon, Instructor, and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School, wherein he built bridges for students and their dream of becoming medical professionals by being their educator and mentor.

From Loren Borud

During his stint at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Borud was able to teach and mentor resident surgeons and medical students at Harvard, even serving as an advisor to some and authoring scholarly publications. Dr. Loren Borud also founded a program for body contouring after massive weight loss (MWL) and accumulated the largest experience in MWL body contouring in New England, gaining him national and international recognition in MWL body contouring. Moreover, he co-founded the Lymphedema Treatment Center, and founded and obtained grant funding for Fellowship in Body Contouring Surgery.

From Loren Borud

Dr. Borud specializes in plastic and reconstructive surgeries. He worked for seven years as a resident general surgeon and research fellow in plastic surgery at the University of California Los Angeles.

From Loren Borud

Know more about Dr. Borud at

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dr. Loren Borud on Plastic Surgery Venture

Throughout the years, the incessant growth of Cosmetic Surgery businesses around the globe reflects its marketing potential and viability. How do you attain success in a business venture such as this? Dr. Loren Borud, through Borud Consulting and the Plastic Surgery Network, Inc., is more than willing to help you on this.

From Loren Borud

In order to achieve success in any business, it is necessary to have complete understanding of the venture. It is vital to have full grasp of the market scenario, current business trends, financial aspect, and more. Borud Consulting specializes in delivering expert advisory in the fields of plastic surgery, medical technology, and more. It caters to businesses involved in biotechnology, medical devices, and cosmetic surgery marketing that seek to boost their success.

From Dr. Loren Borud Photo Credit:

With decades of practical experience in plastic surgery and by establishing a consulting firm that deals with, Dr. Loren Borud is definitely one of the most reliable sources of help and information for this type of business venture.
It can be said that cosmetic surgery has a long way to go. So long as people continue to opt for plastic surgery, whether to look and feel good, or to fix physical injuries, going into this venture can always be a good business choice.

From Loren Borud

If you want to consult Dr. Loren Borud about this, log on to

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Loren Borud Can Give Clients Tips on Avoiding Wrinkles

From Dr. Loren Borud

Not everyone, as Loren Borud knows, is able to afford specialized plastic surgery in order to remove the fine lines and wrinkles which are the hallmarks of age or stress. And even those who can afford procedures that can tighten the skin around their eyes usually make sure to keep their doctors and consultants at hand in order to get the best tips and ideas for minimizing wrinkles, delaying the need to go under the knife for as long as they can.
From Dr. Loren Borud

Wearing sunscreen everyday can reduce the sun’s damage on the skin. Human skin receives a severe beating from the sun causing damage that can speed up skin aging. An SPF of at least 15 can give adequate protection when the sun is at its most intense. Loren Borud’s years of cosmetic surgery experience has enabled him to advise his clients about getting a great pair of sunglasses that can block out ultraviolet rays.

Gravity, surprisingly, is another cause to look out for. Sleeping with one’s face on the pillow repetitively can cause sleep lines that turn into wrinkles after many years of habit. This goes for both men and women. Smoking is also highly discouraged. Studies have proven that individuals who have smoked longer get more wrinkles, as heavy smoking can cause excessive skin wrinkling.

Read more of Loren Borud’s expert advice at
From Dr. Loren Borud

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dr. Loren Borud on Body Contouring after Bariatric Surgery

During his stint as a general surgery resident in the early 90’s in Los Angeles, Dr. Loren Borud assisted on the earliest gastric bypass procedures for weight loss. That time gastric bypass was only considered for patients with the most severe obesity problems. It was a procedure that can result to a variety of complications, ranging from developing digestive disorders to blood clots in the legs. The use of anesthesia was also deemed dangerous.

From Dr. Loren Borud

Now, advances in surgical techniques and anesthesia have made bypass surgery a common procedure with a fairly acceptable complication rate in many hospitals. It is no longer perceived as an extreme measure to take for losing weight and has gained widespread acceptance in many countries. Dr. Loren Borud has noted that in 2003, more than 100,000 gastric bypass procedures were done in the United States.
From Loren Borud

With the increasing popularity of the procedure, a lot of gastric bypass patients have sought plastic surgery methods to contour their bodies after losing so much weight. All the excess, baggy skin left on their now leaner and shrunken bodies is up for removal. Aside from the 100,000 bariatric surgeries done in the US in 2003, there were also 52,000 post-gastric bypass body contouring procedures that took place. Dr. Borud notes that body contouring provides individuals with a much more positive image after massive weight loss. This procedure removes extra skin and fat revealing the leaner body underneath and leaving tighter, younger-looking skin.

From Loren Borud

More information on Dr. Borud is available at

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dr. Loren Borud on Treating HIV Lipodystrophy

From Blogger Pictures

Plastic surgery expert Dr. Loren Borud delves into the utilization of reconstructive surgery to remedy the effects of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) on patients.

Increased fat deposits in certain areas of the body such as the abdominal area and the back of the neck have been observed among HIV patients. This effect, commonly referred to as HIV lipodystrophy, is a result prevalent among patients undergoing antiretroviral treatments that contain a certain amount of protease inhibitor. Besides fat accumulation, thinning of the arms, legs, and face have been observed.

From Loren Borud

Scientists have suggested that lipodystrophy may be caused by hormonal reactions, protease inhibitors interfere with fat metabolism, insulin resistance interferes with glucose metabolism, or HIV complications that surface after a long-period of living with the HIV infection.

From Dr. Loren Borud Photo Credit:

Dr. Loren Borud remarks that since the factors that contribute to the development of HIV lipodystrophy have not been identified and existing medicinal therapies have not proven to be 100% effective, surgical treatment remains to be the main recourse.

The surgical procedure uses fillers to re-vascularize the area to be treated. Although collagen, human cadaveric dermis and fascia, hyaluronic acid, and silicone have been commonly used, Dr. Borud recommends the autologous fat transplant (ATF) procedure. It utilizes the natural body fat of the patient and results have proven to be promising. Besides other fillers being inadequate in terms of the volume required, the amount of living fat that survives during the procedure has been permanent.

More information about Dr. Borud is available at

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dr. Loren Borud on Plastic Surgery: Dates Back Down in History

From Loren Borud

While plastic surgery is a common procedure these days, Dr. Loren Borud observes that most people mistake it with cosmetic surgery. Known for his successful operations during his time of practice, Borud says he is not surprised when people walk up to him asking, "What could you do with my nose?" or "Should I have botox?" because the media highlights only the aesthetic aspects of the procedure.

Plastic surgery goes beyond aesthetics. It is a medical specialization comprising mainly of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive surgery aims to “repair” an injured body part while cosmetic surgery attempts to “improve” one’s otherwise normal appearance.

Dr. Loren Borud was delighted to chance upon an article that showed the field he loves in a positive light, saying, “It was refreshing to see Reuters carry a story about ear reconstruction among Iraqi victims of abuse and torture at the hands of Saddam.”

From Dr. Loren Borud Photo Credit: nanadebmomstretch

Plastic surgery dates back as an ancient practice to “reconstruct” amputated body parts especially of the nose as nasal amputation was a common form of punishment in ancient India.

An Indian surgeon named Sushruta is credited for having performed the first rhinoplasty and facial surgeries during the 6th century BC. He is famous for his book “Sushruta Samhita,”, a compilation of his medical procedures.

From Dr. Loren Borud Photo Credit: VishalKapoorMD

Although plastic surgery progressed at a slow pace, World War I had a great impact to its advancement. Many medical experts dedicated themselves to exploring new techniques to treat the various conditions that inflicted victims of the war.

More about plastic surgery can be found at

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Body Contouring: Dr. Loren Borud on What Happens after Winning the Battle of the Bulge

Dr. Loren Borud, cosmetic surgery expert and founder of Borud Consulting, understands that women would go to great lengths just to look their best. The most common complaint women have about their bodies is the presence of excess flab, so they diet and exercise their way to a slimmer figure. While some women can already notice a remarkable improvement in their appearance after losing excess weight, other women – particularly those who lost a significant amount of weight – have to deal with sagging, loose skin, and muscles that are undefined and not very firm. This does not only look unattractive. It also gives the body an "untoned", unflattering figure. Women who have just given birth are also prone to experience these problems.

From Loren Borud

Dr. Loren Borud, internationally known for his expertise in body contouring surgery, recommends body contouring, or body sculpting, to help improve and restore body shape after undergoing massive weight loss. This involves having a doctor assess the patient to determine the body parts that need toning, and which procedures should be used to contour the body. One option is an abdominoplasty, more popularly known as a tummy tuck, which removes the excess skin and fat from the midsection. It can also help tighten the abdominal muscles. Another option is the body lift, a procedure that deals with other body parts, such as the arms, thighs, and the butt. It also removes excess skin and fat, and may include a tummy tuck and a breast lift.

From Loren Borud

More information on Dr. Loren Borud’s body contouring expertise may be found at

From Loren Borud